Elegant, soft green and yellow hue and intense bubbliness. Its aroma brings notes of fresh grape muscat, green apples, lime and brioche. Its taste holds greenish notes as well.
Complex sweet sparkling wine, with not too long aftertaste. Made of juices of Irsai Olivér, Muscat Lunel, Muscat Ottonel, Rizlingszilváni grapes, by single fermentation.
Year | Wine competition | Vintage | Results |
2023 | VinAgora, Budapest | |
2020 | Effervescents du Monde 2020 | |
2020 | Decanter World Wine Awards , London | |
2020 | International Wine and Spirit Competition, London | |
2019 | Effervescents du Monde 2019 | |
2019 | MundusVini Summer Tasting, Germany | |
2016 | III. Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championship | |
2016 | Decanter World Wine Awards 2016, London | |
2016 | International Wine Challenge, London | |
2016 | International Wine and Spirit Competition, London | |
2015 | International Wine and Spirit Competition, London | |
2011 | XXXV. National Wine Competition, Hungary | |
2011 | XII. Effervescents du Monde, France | |
2011 | I. Champagne and Sparkling Wine World Championship | |
2011 | International Wine and Spirit Competition | |
2011 | XII. VinAgora International Wine Competition, Hungary | |
2016 | The Drinks Business Sparkling Masters Award | |
2010 | XI. VinAgora International Wine Competition, Hungary | |